Monday, September 8, 2014

Programming Anaren Booster Pack: thoughts and a demo

     In a previous post, establishing Radio Frequency (RF) communication between Anaren Booster Pack modules diverged to focus more on Passive Infra Red (PIR) motion sensor and how to program MSP430 Launch Pad to display motion detection status. Instead, this post will focus more on the programming task, hopefully.
       To recap, objective was to establish RF communication with some payload (a frame of data) to indicate the detection output status of a motion sensor. Also, there was supply power conflict (+5V versus +3V) between Texas Instrument micro controller and the sensor. While you can read more on interfacing motion sensor to the micro controller in here, we will talk about programming the communication modules in this post and save talk about power supply for a following post.
     Anaren Booter Pack has two boards with Anaren RF chips pre-installed, plus two microcontrollers pro-flashed with Anaren software stack. “It is all about the protocol stack” according to Anaren; it is open source and based on Texas Instruments Simplicity protocol stack. While their documentation is kind of detailed for almost every important function in the stack, the length of the code is terrible to say the least. 
     After spending a week on understanding where/what function to modify in Anaren protocol stack, I was confessed that there is some price to pay for their protocol stack and the graphical user interface that they advertised.
Figure 1 Anaren GUI, note the windows showing RSSi and Temperature
As you can see above, many options for the RF chip can be controlled from GUI; almost all the parameters including: transmit power ( tx power), transmit frequency, channel, and FCC/ETSI compliance. Furthermore, you can see actual serial data communicated between the micro controller and the RF chip, done through SPI. Off course, the GUI has two windows to display the received signal strength on each chip and the temperature of each chip, yes TI has built in functions to measure the temperature, battery strength,…etc. Actually you will learn in the end of this post that TI does a very good job of providing support to their chips, unlink Anaren.Now, do not get me wrong!! I have to be thankful for humble price of their board, nicely labeling it, effort made to document functions in their stack and providing two versions of their protocol stack: one for Code Composer Studio and one for IAR workbench for TI MSP430 environment. 
Figure 2 Anaren Protocol Stack (IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 Environment)

     Lines and lines of code is what you get when you look into their protocol stack. As you can see above, main components include FCC/ETSI setting, application layer, protocol layer and the framework layer. The later is what we need to modify in most cases to make advantage of Anaren protocol stack. The application layer code, as name implies, is made of the set of instruction to allow successful communication between the nodes and the hub; the main topology is Star topology. In addition to data exchange (data/configuration data), this layer implements a full communication protocol: adding/removing a node from the network (assigning node ID), network validation, setting cycle time and radio sleep/wake process. The application layer intended to facilitate communication between the RF module and the Launch Pad through SPI protocol (to change settings, to receive sensor data and to listen to incoming packets received on the RF module). As we just mentioned, to make any advantage of the protocol stack you must manipulate the framework layer to make it interface your hardware used, like sensors, batteries, display, …etc.  
      Yes, you are right, if you do not like it why use it, probably that is what you are thinking. Let me explain the problems you come to meet once you try to understand/used Anaren protocol stack:

  1.      IAR workbench for MSP430 environment has a limitation of 2k byte of code; when you try to compile and load a large program like Anaren protocol stack you will get a message “code size exceeds limit for this version”
  2.  Code Composer version of the protocol stack I have not tried but you can figure from feedback that it is not easy to use it
  3.  Protocol Stack has too many layers; it is well organized for someone who wrote it. But if you want to tweak the code to achieve certain programming task it is a nightmare to go through whole stack.
     One thing tempts you to think of alternatives to Anaren code is Texas Instruments resources, starting with code snippet for many modules in their micro controller to Simplicity protocol stack written by Texas Instruments. In short, the learning curve for Anaren code is equal to going through Texas Instruments code available on line and starting to tweak them to you own desire. Remember Texas Instruments warning about side effects when combining their code snippet and not making your own program.
      On lines of what we mentioned above, you can find here code to run Anaren RF modules based on the code provided by Texas Instruments for allowing communication between chip CC2520/CC110L and a TI board, like Launch Pad or EZ430 board.  An interrupt coming on the SPI pin (pin 1.6) will indicate the RF chip received something, and when you want to send something you just put it on the SPI pin and let the RF chip send it. Basically, you will use the RF chip as queue: allow it to transmit anything that it gets on the SPI port and allow it to write to SPI port anything it receives. The author of this code added a mechanism to check for successful transmission of a packet, an acknowledgment sent from the receiver on the other side. Obviously, this approach does not work well when you have a sequence of data to transmit. According to comments from people using this code, it can be used with more than one transmitter/receiver talking to the hub node, I can not refute or confirm.  I changed the main program in the code above to make it suit my purpose; turn ON RED LED on one Launch Pad once motion is detected on the other Launch Pad. 

      Below you will find a video showing how to use code above, after some modification, to transmit the status of PIR sensor to anther Anaren RF Module. In the video you will note a booster circuit that we will talk about in a following post, please stay tuned.