Sunday, August 26, 2018

In a previous post, you noted that most important aspect of a system running on solar energy is how much power system consumes vs. how much power the solar panel generates; the last variable can be found from the data sheet of the solar panel at hand. The solar panel is made of a module, or electrically inter-connected multiple modules on the same frame where the solar module(s) are encapsulated to protect them from corrosion. Each solar module is made of multiple solar cells inter-connected in series or parallel with a certain packing density. This post is not meant to discuss the fabrication of solar panel, but more on how to read the electrical properties found in the data sheet....We will touch on the mismatch happening when connecting multiple panels in an array using a practical example comparing output power from two identical solar panels.
First let us talk about the electrical properties of the solar panels: In the picture below, we have two solar panels, from different manufacturers, the bigger one is 350*255mm(W*H) rated at Pmax=10W at a voltage 17.8V. The smaller one is 250*134.5mm(W*H) rated at Pmax=3.5W at a voltage of 6V. Battery charging is a current dependent action not a voltage dependent action; assuming that you have a solar charger implementing Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm, your most important variable is how much current you are getting from the solar panel...

Electrical Spec. for 10W Solar Panel
Electrical Spec. for 3.5W Solar Module

Once you note that the electrical proprieties shown in the picture above, you will find that both panels generating the same current at Ipmax, more or less. Let us try to test these panels in practice connected with a solar charger, the Sunny Buddy by Sparkfun. As per hookup guide provided for this solar charger, you have the option either to check how much the solar panel is delivering current or you can see the how much the charger is supplying current to the battery, where the later depends on Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm to guarantee maximum power transferred to the battery guaranteed no damage happening to battery. Let us follow instructions found at Sparkfun Sunny Buddy hook-up guide to check how much current each solar panel is delivering....”A useful trick for monitoring the input current of a single panel system is to clear JP1 and close JO2, then connect an ammeter between the + pads on the two 3.5mm footprints. This will allow you to monitor the current draw from the solar panel. Note that JP1 must be resoldered and JP2 reopened before attempting to use the sunny buddy without the meter in place!

The solar charger used here, the Sunny Buddy, can be set to reduce its current draw once a certain input voltage is reached, where this voltage can be set via a potentiometer, I did not try to optimize this setting while measuring the current drawn by the solar charger. Here is a summary of the result:
Rated Power(W)
Solar panel #1
Solar panel #2

The current readings measured via the multi-meter are close to what the electrical properties section is showing for Ipmax , but the current drawn from the smaller solar panel is slightly more than that current drawn from the larger solar panel and the reason is the difference in voltage rating of each panel. This difference is due to the way the solar cell is inter-connected inside the solar module; it is up to you and solar charger to draw maximum current from solar panel.
Now, let us turn our attention to the issue of mismatch. On a module level, strings of solar cells are connected in series or parallel to produce the required current or voltage. Ideally the solar cells are identical but in practice they will be a mismatch between them which will affect the current or the voltage produced depending if the cells are connected in series or parallel. Thus, you will see the +/- tolerance in the electrical properties section of data sheet. Likewise, the solar panels can be electrically inter-connected to form strings and arrays of panels to produce required current or voltage, in this regard; any mis- match between the solar panels will affect the current or voltage of series and/or parallel combination. The mismatch happens due to the fact that you will not get exactly the same output power from different panels even if they are rated the same, manufactured in the same way and even fabricated by the same manufacturer. Check this video below showing two identical solar panels, rated at 2 watts each,  connected to run two motors, each motor is on one side of a plastic car; if the car goes straight then both solar panels are producing the same amount of power. Note that these panels are identical, from same manufacturer and rated at the same voltage and power.

As discussed above, the power extracted from a solar panel will depend on how you extract it, either using MPPT or other solutions, like linear regulators, switching regulators or any energy harvesters.

In above video, we are not using a solar charger to deliver power to the DC motors but using a nano power energy harvesting power supply based on the LTC3588-1, breakout is made by sparkfun and below circuit diagram is a snap shoot taken from the application information section of the LTC3588-1 data sheet.
Curtsy of LTC-3588-1 Data Sheet

 The video for the solar car, two circuits, similar to figure-11 above, are soldered on the board mounted above the car. Unlike the circuit suggested in the application information, no back batteries were connected to the circuit; in the input side there is a solar panel and output of the IC has a super capacitor plus the load (DC motor) connected in parallel.

We will explain more on the LTC3588 in future posts... stay tuned to know more.......

Note:All technical information in this post, except videos of solar panels and solar car and related circuits, are with reference to PV3X Solar Energy Engineering: Photovoltaic Systems from Deflt University  offered at 

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Welcome back to my first blog after long break, greetings from Saudi, where the sun meets the sand

Really, there is more to Saudi Arabia than just sand, in the pictures above you see mountains, sea,......Having told you my where about, there is plenty of sun here to harvest. In next few posts you will go throught some projects regarding harvesting the sun's energy in different ways.

One way to harvest energy from the sun is through a solar charger, it will help you obtain a steady output from the solar panel when there is enough sun, an output that is used to charge a battery. Main driver for a solar charge is an algorithm called maximum power point tracking (MPPT), one that has many flavors but its main theme:collecting maximum output power from a solar panel. Please refer to this excellent presentation by Texas Instruments (TI) on MPPT algorithm. You will find in the presentation a reference to Ti's bq25895 IC, which is a solar charger that implements MPPT algorithm.

In this post we will look at a similar solar charger based on LTC3652 IC, it was made by linear technology and the PCB was designed by sparkfun and named The Sunny Buddy. LTC3652 implements MPPT in its simplest form, which drives the solar panel at 90% of solar panel's open voltage value at which the LTC3652 will reduce its current draw to maintain peak power input from the solar panel. You can reference post below from voltaicsystems for comparison of different solar chargers.
To let you know more about solar chargers, let us choose Sparksfun's Sunny Buddy board, plug-in couple of solar panels, and hook up a micro controller to watch solar charger in action, charging a Lipo battery. Well, the first thing was to setup the system,

Solar charger ---->Sunny buddy V1.3 based on LTC3652
Solar panels---> 2X2W Si-Silicon based solar panels
Lipo Fuel gauge---> Lipo fuel gauge based on MAX17043G+U IC
Mcu---> Arduino Mini Pro 16Mhz, 5V.
Battery---->  Lipo 3.7V, 750mAh
Circuit schematic

Let us's do the calculation of power delivered from the solar panel, and how much power needed by Mcu, and how much is the safe charging current for Lipo battery. Start with last item on the list: Lipo battery safe charging current is 1/C which is equal to 750mAh, i.e. it is safe to set the charge current on the sunny buddy to 750ma or less. Mcu chosen for this demo is Arduino mini Pro, running at 5V and 16Mzh, typical power consumption values can be found in this post, which assumes that Mcu will go to sleep and wake up via watch dog timer.

Indeed, taking the Mcu into sleep is recommended to reduce the power consumption and reduce the load on the solar charger, allowing it to do its job, charge the battery. In this demo, we will let Mcu sleep for 8 second and wake up to check the battery state of charge using information provided by LiPo Fuel Gauge plus information like charge/idle state provided by the solar charger. This means the Mcu is sleep 83% of the time and active for 27% of the time, using the information found in the above post, we can multiple %sleep
*Power consumption during sleep + multiply %awake* active power consumption.

The rest of circuit component:
Lipo Fuel gauge consume 50Mu A on active status and can be sent to sleep state via I2c interface commands
Lipo Boost Converter used to convert voltage level from 3.7V. to 5 V. with efficiency curve shown below
A level shift is needed to convert LTC3652's pin logic levels, which are pulled to Vbat=3.7V as per sparkfun design.

Curtsy:TI's TPS61200 datasheet (SLVS577B)
Note that the code snap shoot below reference low power library and Lipo Fuel gauge library which can be find online

#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiFuelGauge.h>
#include "LowPower.h"
void lowPower();
// Use pin 2&3 as wake up pin
const int wakeUpPinINT0 = 2;
const int wakeUpPinINT1 = 3;
const int DigiPin4 = 4;

int CHC_val=0;
int FAULT_val=0;
// LiFuelGauge constructor parameters
// 1. IC type, MAX17043 or MAX17044
// 2. Number of interrupt to which the alert pin is associated (Optional) 
// 3. ISR to call when an alert interrupt is generated (Optional)
// Creates a LiFuelGauge instance for the MAX17043 IC
// and attaches lowPower to INT0 (PIN2 on most boards, PIN3 on Leonardo)
LiFuelGauge gauge(MAX17043 , 0, lowPower);

// A flag to indicate a generated alert interrupt
volatile boolean alert = false;
volatile boolean flag_charge = false;
volatile boolean flag_fault = false;

void setup()
    // Configure wake up pin as input.
    // This will consumes few uA of current.
    pinMode(wakeUpPinINT0, INPUT);
    pinMode(wakeUpPinINT1, INPUT);
    pinMode(DigiPin4, INPUT);
    //pinMode(12, INPUT);
    //pinMode(13, OUTPUT);   
    Serial.begin(9600); // Initializes serial port
    // Waits for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
    //while ( !Serial ) ;
    gauge.reset();  // Resets MAX17043
    delay(200);  // Waits for the initial measurements to be made
    // Sets the Alert Threshold to 10% of full capacity
    Serial.println(String("Alert Threshold is set to ") + 
                   gauge.getAlertThreshold() + '%');

void loop()
    attachInterrupt(wakeUpPinINT1,wakeUp3, CHANGE);
    // Enter power down state with ADC and BOD module disabled.
    // Wake up when wake up pin is low.
    LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_FOREVER, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF); 
    // Disable external pin interrupt on wake up pin.
    // Do something here
    Serial.begin(9600); // Initializes serial port
    if (gauge.sleeping())
     gauge.reset();  // Resets MAX17043
     delay(200);  // Waits for the initial measurements to be made
    if (flag_charge)
    Serial.print("SOC: ");
    Serial.print(gauge.getSOC());  // Gets the battery's state of charge
    Serial.print("%, VCELL: ");
    Serial.print(gauge.getVoltage());  // Gets the battery voltage
    if (!CHC_val)
    if (CHC_val)
      {Serial.println("Bat. Fault");}
    if ( alert )
        Serial.print("SOC: ");
        Serial.print(gauge.getSOC());  // Gets the battery's state of charge
        Serial.print("%, VCELL: ");
        Serial.print(gauge.getVoltage());  // Gets the battery voltage
        Serial.println("Beware, Low Power!");
        Serial.println("Finalizing operations...");
        gauge.clearAlertInterrupt();  // Resets the ALRT pin
        alert = false;
        Serial.println("Storing data...");
        Serial.println("Sending notification...");
        Serial.println("System operations are halted...");
        gauge.sleep();  // Forces the MAX17043 into sleep mode

void lowPower() { alert = true; }
void wakeUp3()
    // Just a handler for the pin interrupt.

This code ran on the Mcu for 12 hours, where battery S.O.C dropped from 96% to 12%. In the first three hours, no charging was being done and then 8 hours of charging did not help to raise the S.O.C of the battery. From log of Lipo Fuel gauge, it is noted a 6.25% drop of battery S.O.C. each hour which amounts ~49mA power consumption per hours.

From the above first run of the system, it was clear that a path forward with this setup was not possible; the amount of energy consumed versus the charging speed of the battery will cause the battery to be depleted before the sun of the next day. It was necessary to check the amount of current delivered by the solar panel and the solar charger at hand. After examining the amount of current delivered by each solar panel at full sun irradiance, it was found to be a humble of 50mA, which far less than 2Watt, claimed by the supplier. The Sunny Buddy, was faithful in delivering the full amount of energy produced by 2X2Watt panels, a combined sum of 100mA.

The solution was one of the below:

1- A: Replace Solar panel with more powerful or more efficient solar panel
     B: Replace the Micro-controller or its voltage, and/or clock speed, which reduces the power                   consumption and remove some of the unnecessary components.
2- Use an auxiliary power supply that is made of a second battery useful to maintain system until the first battery is fully charge, i.e. System will be supplied from a DC bus, with a redundant power source. Auxiliary power supply should have a mechanism to recharge its battery when not in use.
Option (1-A) Replace Solar panel with more powerful or more efficient panel

Keep tuned, in the next post we will explore all solutions (1 & 2), waiting to see you in the next post.